
Game Jam Games

Spring 2017 - Present

In a game jam, participants create a game from scratch within a fixed time period. The rules vary between events: usually there is a specific theme for inspiration, developers might work solo or in teams, and time limits can range from multiple weeks to a single hour (although 48 or 72 hours is most common). I got hooked on these competitions after producing Quantum World in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 38 game jam, and since then I have competed in over a dozen. I find that game jams are a great way to exercise creativity and practice a wide range of skills such as drawing, music, storytelling, game design, and programming.

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Fall 2022 - Present

MiniRHex is a cockroach-inspired hexapod based on the design of the larger RHex robot. The low cost and easy assembly process make it an ideal platform for outreach events, introducing local middle and high schoolers to robotics principles like bio-inspiration and gait design. This project represents the combined efforts of many different members of the Robomechanics Lab, where my contributions focused on the control software and the leg interface design.

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Robotic Hand

Fall 2019

This compact robotic hand was designed to be manufacturable at low-cost in small batches. The hand is driven by a single motor, using 4-bar linkages to provide a large range of motion. A built-in rangefinder measures distance to the nearest object and compliant fingertips prevent damage in the event of a collision. The hand was developed with users in mind, featuring easy access to both the electronics and the attachment point for the robotic arm. This project was completed by a team of four students for Olin's Design for Manufacturing course.

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Project Airlock

Fall 2016 - Spring 2018

Project Airlock is a space-themed card game for 3-6 players, combining team strategy and social deduction elements. My two cofounders and I formed the company Fishbox Games LLC and launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund the game, with an initial goal of $1,500. The campaign proved very successful, raising over $9,000 with nearly 250 backers. We have already manufactured and distributed copies to our backers, and have plans to continue selling the game online.

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Airfoil Modeling

Spring 2018

This project analytically solved for the aerodynamics of flow around an airfoil, which were used to compute lift and drag. The airflow was modeled using Laplace's Equation, solutions of which were conformally mapped to the airfoil geometry by a Joukowsky transform. The same airfoil was then analyzed using SolidWorks flow simulation for comparison. This project was completed by a team of three students for Olin's Partial Differential Equations course.

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Fall 2017

OverTone is a computer program capable of parsing an audio recording of a song, combining it with phone accelerometer data from a person tapping their foot to the beat, and generating sheet music by analyzing the frequency spectrum. A short-term Fast Fourier Transform brings the sound data into the frequency domain, and by detecting peaks and analyzing the overtone series the pitch and duration of each note can be identified. This project was created in collaboration with another student for Olin's Quantitative Engineering Analysis course.

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Robot Squid

Fall 2017

This robotic squid relies on directional jets for propulsion through the water, along with actuated fins to assist with steering. The control system is capable of autonomously locating and navigating to colored targets and receiving missions wirelessly from an operator's computer. This project was created by a team of six students for Olin's Fundamentals of Robotics course.

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Drop the Beat

Fall 2017

Drop the Beat is a mechanical music-playing machine that plays notes by hitting pipes with marbles. Song memory is stored mechanically using a pattern of holes in a laser-cut sheet, which fill with marbles and route them to the appropriate pipe. A recycling system carries used marbles back up to the top of the machine for reuse. This project was created by a team of five students for Olin's Principles of Engineering course.

Explore 3D Model


Fall 2017

The Monocopter is an attempt to create a drone that flies using a single propeller. The reaction torque of the propeller causes it to spin constantly, and it can move around in space by periodically varying the propeller thrust as it turns. The project involved significant dynamics modeling, simulation in MATLAB, and control algorithm design for a non-linear system. Another student and I created this project for Olin's Quantitative Engineering Analysis course.

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Nov 2016

TiltShoot is a VR game for the Oculus Rift, using a special mock gun containing an accelerometer connected to an Arduino. The accelerometer data is used to determine where the gun is pointing and set the orientation in-game to match for a more immersive play experience. This project was created in collaboration with two other Olin students at the 2016 Hackholyoke hackathon, where it won second place.

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