
Doctoral Research

Robotic Climbing for Planetary Exploration

Robomechanics Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

The Lightweight Observation Robot for Irregular Slopes (LORIS) is a quadrupedal climbing robot that ascends vertical cliff faces using passive microspine grippers. Microspines are sharp hooks embedded in flexures that catch on small bumps and pits in the rock. By generating internal forces between opposing grippers, LORIS can ensure a secure grasp even on highly irregular surfaces. Potential applications of this work include planetary exploration of steep, rocky slopes and subsurface lava tubes on the Moon and Mars. This work is supported by the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO) fellowship.

ICRA 2024 Video ICRA 2024 Paper

Magnetic Wall-Climbing for
Tanker Inspection

Robomechanics Lab, Carnegie Mellon University

Sally is a magnetic wall-climbing robot developed to automate the inspection of steel structures such as oil tankers, which currently requires hazardous human labor and the construction of costly scaffolding. Passive magnetic wheels with independent steering and a rocker suspension enable Sally to maneuver in confined spaces, transition between adjacent surfaces (e.g. floor, wall, and ceiling), traverse obstacles, and hold position without drawing power. Sally carries a portable X-ray florescence (pXRF) sensor to detect contaminants like lead and mercury.


Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

Vertical Climbing with a Snake Robot for Exploration of Icy Moons

Summer 2023, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS) is a snake-like robot designed to descend through narrow shafts in the ice crust of Saturn's moon Enceladus and explore the liquid ocean underneath. EELS is equipped with rotating ice screws that can cut into the sides of the shaft to resist gravitational and plume forces. As part of the EELS autonomy team I worked on a unified control framework to maintain contact with the uneven shaft walls and regulate contact forces while following a desired trajectory.

Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

Ballistically-Launched Multirotors

Summer 2018 & 2019, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The Streamlined Quick Unfolding Investigation Drone (SQUID) is a novel folding hexacopter capable of ballistic deployment from a launch tube. Applications of this technology include the safe deployment of aerial scouts from a rover or lander on Mars and Titan, as well as rapid disaster response on Earth. In summer 2018 I developed a quick-release mechanism for the initial quadcopter-scale version of SQUID, and the following summer I led the design and fabrication of the full-scale hexacopter. Key challenges on this project included extreme launch loads, tight space constraints, vibration mitigation, and electrical integration.

ICRA 2020 Video ICRA 2020 Paper

Undergraduate Research

Bird-Inspired Perching Landing Gear

Chris Lee's Research Group, Olin College of Engineering

This passive rotorcraft landing gear system is inspired by a bird's talons, with tendons that contract as the vehicle sets down to close the feet around a perch. My role in the project was the development of a hybrid empirical-computational model to simulate the system as it grasps objects of various cross-sectional shapes and sizes. The results are used to quantitatively characterize the grasp and optimize design parameters for future iterations of the mechanism.

JMR 2019 Video JMR 2019 Paper

Hexapod Robots as Folding Exploratory Rovers

RoboLab, Olin College of Engineering

This research project aims to develop a folding autonomous hexapod rover for exploring rocky environments such as the surface of Mars or an asteroid. The hexapod features bio-inspired feet with built-in contact sensing and an integrated LIDAR sensor for obstacle avoidance. An adaptive gait enables the robot to maintain stability on uneven and sloped terrain.

Fall 2019 Expo Video Spring 2019 Report

Control of a Multirotor Swarm Through Guided Autonomy

Olin Aerial Robotics Team, Olin College of Engineering

In Fall 2017, we launched a new student team at Olin to compete in the International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC), which challenges participants to complete mission scenarios involving open research problems like landing on ground robots (Mission 7) or swarm coordination and human-robot interaction (Mission 8). I worked on several aspects of our system, including controller architecture, GPS-denied localization, gesture detection, voice control, and obstacle avoidance. We ultimately demonstrated our system at the 2019 IARC Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues, where we received the award for Best Presentation.

2019 Symposium Poster 2019 Symposium Paper